1. Markup added to market spread
Instead of charging separate commissions for each order, we include our fees in the market spread. We apply a small markup to the market spread, which tends toward 0.15% of the instrument’s value. This markup is automatically included in the price you see when you trade. Read more about this in our article "Understanding the trading model with markup on spread".
2. Interest
This is a charge for rolling a leveraged position overnight. This commission is added to the result of a position. The leverage is applied to positions depending on the type of instrument or account. View the leverage value applied for a particular instrument on your account in the "Contract specification" section.
The commission rate is not constant and might be changed without any prior notice to clients.
How to calculate interest?
<Opening price> * <Position volume> * <Interest (%) / 100 / 360>
Twitter: 100 shares, long position, interest - 7%
25 * 100 * (-7%) / 100 / 360 = (-0,49) USD
Triple interests are applied to some instruments on a specific day of the week. Find the triple interest day for each instrument in the "Contract specifications" section.
3. Markup for conversion rate
Markups are applied to conversion rates in case the funds engaged in trading Stocks, ETFs, and CFDs need to be converted. View the markup values used for the funds conversion for each currency pair in the "Contract specifications" section.
To apply markup for conversion rate to the price, you can use the following formula:
The Ask price with markup = Ask + (Ask * Markup(%) / 100 / 2)
The Bid price with markup = Bid - (Bid * Markup(%) / 100 / 2)
When calculating the financial result of a position, the conversion will be separately applied to an estimate of an exposure cost and additional expenses (Interest, or swap), but not to the final result. The formula is the following:
Short position (Sell)
((Opening price * Position volume) / Conversion rate - (Closing price * Position volume) / Conversion rate) + Interest / Conversion rate
Long position (Buy)
Closing price * Position volume / Conversion rate - Opening price * Position volume / Conversion rate + Interest / Conversion rate
Twitter: 100 shares, long position, opening price: $22.00, last price: $26.00, Interest (swap): $1.5, trading account is nominated in EUR, markup: 0.5%, applicable conversion rate (EURUSD) at the time of position opening: 1.11253, applicable conversion rate (EURUSD) at the time of calculation: 1.11233.
(26.00 * 100 / 1.11253 – 22.00 * 100 / 1.11233) + (-1.5) / 1.11253 = €345.7
Important: The order form calculates and displays the cost of a deal based on order volume and price, adjusting for buy/sell direction and the selected trading instrument.
The cost is calculated when opening a new order window and is provided for informational purposes. Clicking on the icon opens a detailed information window with the following calculated parameters: