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To use the API, follow these simple steps:

1. Register in the Web Terminal (stockstrader.robomarkets.com, stockstrader.robomarkets.de, stockstrader.roboforex.com, stockstrader.rmib.com, stockstrader.robomarkets.sc).

2. Open StocksTrader Accounts (Demo or Real): in the platform or in Members Area (see more details here)

3. Log in to the Web Terminal.

4. Select the option "API integration" at the platform's top right (Settings - API integration).

5. Get your API access token. You need to get a new one if your Access Token has expired. 

6. Use it to send requests through the API.

These steps also apply to the development and testing stages of the integration: Production environment and Demo Accounts are used.

All useful links:

1. Read how to open demo trading account here.

2. Read about API features, specifics, definitions, common features of the implementation of endpoints here.  

3. Find API schema here. 

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